WATCH: Opus Energy opens the Kinetic Café – check out the video
9th September 2018
A few weeks ago, we announced our plans to walk a mile in the shoes of our customers.
The idea for the Kinetic Café had been born: a pop-up juice bar to raise the energy levels of small business owners and be a hub for sharing business advice and networking.

At Opus Energy, we power a large amount of retail, independent businesses. Small business owners work incredibly hard and sacrifice a lot for their business (in fact, 76% of SME owners lose sleep over the state of their business), and the café let us speak face to face with our customers and really get to understand their passions, worries and ambitions.

How did it go? In a sentence, it was tough but inspiring.
Watch the teaser video below, but make sure to check out the full video over on Brighter Business – the online platform for sharing small business advice, powered by Opus Energy.
We’ve shared the whole Kinetic Café journey over on Brighter Business, including the full-length Kinetic Café video. Check it out!
Watch the full Kinetic Café video here